Educational Policy

The mission of this school is to train persons who "serve God and the world in the spirit of Christ" through "instruction which values each and every individual."

The History of Japan Lutheran College

Christian Instruction

Christianity--the founding spirit that supports Japan Lutheran College
Christianity, the founding spirit that is JLC's legacy, does not only appear in lectures, but is part of all campus life. Much can be learned and gained from the daily interactions with faculty, staff, and other students.

Japan Lutheran College has a Campus Christian Center, where the Chaplain (pastor) provides leadership for all the worship-related activities and programs on campus. The Chaplain is served by a Chaplain's Assistant, together with other helpers and student volunteers who make up the Worship Committee. There are chapel services every class day. While worship is not compulsory, it does provide a place where faculty and students can come together as one, heard the Word of God, and join in prayer. Through the messages presented here, there are opportunities to see another side of those people that we interact with daily.

The basis of our "Lutheraness"--as it were-of praising God and fostering love for our fellow humans is found in this Christian instruction. It is our hope that the years of study at JLC will not only result in knowledge and skills, but will be a time that deeply affects each of us as individuals.

Integrated Human Studies Department, Program in Human Social Work and Psychology

Practically Actualizing Careers
Through its instruction of “valuing each and every person” Japan Lutheran College develops the human resources that “value each and every person” and so realizes the desire of students to “serve by helping someone.”

The implementation in 2014 of a 5-course organization in Social Work, Community Development, Child and Family Studies, Clinical Psychology, and Christian Studies clarifies the support for career formation, with academic models for registering and earning professional qualifications. From the moment students enter, Japan Lutheran College carries out interviews and guidance for future employment or further academic study.
Flexible, Accommodating Curriculum
Many students sitting for an entrance exam have only a vague idea of their future careers. At Japan Lutheran College, students select their specific course of study after progressing to their second year. Following their entrance into the college, they have an orientation for each course which clarifies for them which is most suitable, answers to their dreams for the future, and gives a concrete plan for pursuing academic goals. They then choose their course. Students are able to study in fields besides their own course, thus enhancing their learning and acquiring certification.
Broadened Interdisciplinary Instruction
Japan Lutheran College offers an interdisciplinary curriculum for study as the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Program in Social Work and Clinical Psychology comprises three fields of studies: Social Work, Clinical Psychology, and Christian Studies. Thus, both psychology and social work studies are based on the Christian perspective of humanity. Students entering the college are trained to be professionals with integrated, wholistic approaches for providing care.

Graduate School of Social Work

Academic Goals
First half of doctoral program
The goal is to train social workers with a firm awareness of human rights and a high ethical stance to acquire a high degree of knowledge and skill regarding policies and practice in the field.
Second half of doctoral program
The goal is to instruct candidates for teaching or research at schools for training social work professionals or institutions of higher learning. Additional academic goals are to equip graduates to work as experts in administering or managing social work institutions or organizations.
Features Three fields of research
The first half of the doctoral program allows candidates to select one of three areas of research for advancing their professional careers: 1) social work systems and policies; 2) social work methods and practice; 3) Christian social work. All these offer the knowledge and skills necessary for a high level of expertise. The curriculum distinguishes itself from that of other graduate level programs in Japan for social work in the large number of courses for social work support skills and a full grounding in social work survey.

The second half of the doctoral program allows candidates to select further study in either of two areas of research: 1) Social work systems and policies; 2) Social work support skills.
Fully Replete Curriculum
Classes are held on Thursday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. Also, the educational environment is conducive for personalized instruction and discussion. This makes its possible even for those with full-time positions wishing to further their careers both to continue working and pursue a full course of study. The faculty members are global in their outlook, known for their professional activities both in Japan and overseas; their guidance as professionals who are actively involved as authorities in their fields.
The CTTP (Clinical Thanatology Training Program) in Terminal Care and Griefwork Training
The CTTP Program was newly established in 2012 in commemoration of the 10th year for the Graduate School This is a new, wholistically developed training program at the graduate school level for seminars and practica in terminal care and griefwork research.

The goal of this program is to offer seminars and practical training and fieldwork in clinical thanatology as a graduate minor. This program is intended for candidates who have completed their master degrees at Japan Lutheran College or other such students who wish to be involved in the field, and so targets holders of master degrees from this college or others (with necessary research achievements) regardless of their specialized field of study.

Graduate School of Clinical Psychology

Guiding Principles
To train personnel who will interact with others in the Christian spirit of love and dedication. To train professionals in Clinical Psychology able to utilize techniques and expertise in clinical situations for psychology, education, and medicine.
Valuing experiential practice!
Clinical psychology is a field of study that demands practical training. For the skills and knowledge that serve to support persons, there is no substitute for the experiential learning attained through practice. From the first year of study, candidates participate in group experiences at the Clinical Counseling Center located on campus, and by the end of the first year, they assume responsibility for client interviews.

Second year students have additional practical fieldwork outside the campus. There is a wide range of openings for fieldwork at such sites as hospitals, child and family support centers. They keep records and transcripts of their fieldwork practice and receive supervision at counseling centers or fieldwork institutions outside the college. In addition, they receive detailed guidance from the JLC faculty based on their reports.
Special Feature: Two Possible Fields of Research
Research in the fields of (1) Clinical Psychological Support, (2) Christianity and Clinical Psychology. In the field of Clinical Psychological Support, candidates do academic work in the courses necessary for the national examination for certification as Clinical Psychologists. This study provides the foundation for careers as professionals in clinical psychology. In the field of Christianity and Clinical Psychology, candidates learn theory and practice in Spiritual Care, the core of the Christian faith, together with skills in solving personal problems for each individual.
Fully Replete Curriculum
The faculty members holding degrees in clinical psychology offer both the coursework necessary for sitting for national examinations as well as unique approaches to psychological treatment methods. These include specializations in cognitive behavioral psychology, transactional analysis, psychological testing, group psychological therapy, art therapy, child psychology, and more—enabling study at the forefront of trends in the field. In addition, a lineup of leading experts from other institutions augment the teaching staff in providing personal guidance for candidates.
The CTTP (Clinical Thanatology Training Program) in Terminal Care and Griefwork Training
The CTTP Program was newly established in 2012 in commemoration of the 10th year for the Graduate School This is a new, wholistically developed training program at the graduate school level for seminars and practica in terminal care and griefwork research.

The goal of this program is to offer seminars and practical training and fieldwork in clinical thanatology as a graduate minor. This program is intended for candidates who have completed their master degrees at Japan Lutheran College or other such students who wish to be involved in the field, and so targets holders of master degrees from this college or others (with necessary research achievements) regardless of their specialized field of study.

Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary

The Starting Point of Japan Lutheran College, with 100 years of training proclaimers of the Gospel
Proclaimers of the Gospel of Liberation, Shepherds who heal the soul
Despite amazing progress in economics and technology, we cannot feel certain that all persons have found happiness in our world. In fact, it seems that there is less harmony among people, that problems of the heart and mind have increased, and that greater numbers of people have lost sight of any reason for living. Love seems to have cooled and hope to have become less certain. It's an age when religion itself is regarded with suspicion. These are all the very reason why we need to search into the human condition, and reexamine humans in the light that shines from the absolute God, and listen to God's word that will restore us to our true humanity. In order that people may be freed from the sin that festers within them, and to have their souls restored with new joy, we need persons to pray and work to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ so that this world may abound with love, compassion, justice, and peace. To realize this, the seminary carries out the training of pastors.
Standing firm in the tradition of the Reformation
Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary was founded in 1909 for the purpose of training evangelists and pastors in the Lutheran faith and theology directly proceeding from Martin Luther, the Great Reformer of the 16th century. The motto of the seminary is the slogan of the Reformation: "Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Scripture Alone." The goals of the seminary are an in-depth study of the Bible in its original languages of Hebrew and Greek and, founded on a truly Gospel-centered theology, train workers with practical skills so that they can serve ably in church settings.
A diverse body of seminarians
The seminary does not only draw from young students in the Department of Christian Studies at JLC, there are some seminarians coming directly from other universities, and some starting a second career following a variety of work. Their ages range from their twenties to their sixties. There are men and women, single and married--many different persons from many different backgrounds.

International  Exchange

Through cooperation with external organizations and institutions affiliated with Japan Lutheran College, we provide students with opportunities for international exchange. We have prepared the following specific programs as opportunities for international exchange:

Short-term Language Study Abroad
Students can participate in overseas short-term language study program offered by the Study Abroad Journal (Ryugaku Journal Inc.). This allows students to decide personally on the destination and duration of study while receiving counseling. JLC recommends short-term language study programs in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Malaysia, and the Philippines during college vacation periods (summer and spring).
Experiential Overseas Volunteer Work
Students can apply for overseas work camps and study tours (in the United States, Cambodia, India) offered by the JELA Foundation.
Domestic International Exchange
There are opportunities such as educational support at Japanese language classes offered by the Mitaka International Society for HOsPitality (MISHOP), volunteering at an international exchange festival, and participating in international cooking classes and exchange events.
Exchange with International Students on Campus
Students can participate in activities planned for foreign exchange students at JLC. They can also plan exchange events together.
Overseas Programs Organized by Faculty Members
Students can participate in overseas programs organized by faculty members of the college.
Others (Lectures or Talks by Guests from Overseas)
As the university hosts visitors from abroad, there are opportunities for interaction through lectures or talks on each occasion.

Research Center for Luther Studies 

Here are the college's roots!
Every year around the world, there are more than 3000 publications and studies on the Great Reformer, Martin Luther. A part of that research happens in Japan as well, and the Research Center for Luther Studies is the wellspring of those activities.

To backtrack, it was in the 1930's that the scholar Shigehiko Sato,, a professor at Japan Lutheran Theological College--the forerunner of this college, became a trailblazer in Luther studies in Japan. He poured his heart into translating Luther's works, introducing his own and others' research in this field. In fact, Japan's great theologian, Kazou Kitamori and his world-renown work "A Theology of the Suffering God" owe much to this Luther research of Dr. Sato's.

There are two main activities carried out by this center: one is the translation of Luther's Works, and the other is the introduction of research on Luther's faith and theology. Already the first set (10 volumes) and the second set (4 volumes) of Luther's Works (estimated 36 volumes in total) have been published, and work continues in earnest on the remainder. Research activities include the publication "Luther Research" (already in 9 volumes) and the promotion of lectures around the country. Such other activities as courses and lectures open to the general public and readings in the original language have also succeeded in quietly but steadily raising interest in Luther research.

Clinical Psychology Counseling Center

A facility of the college offering counseling and support services
The Clinical Psychology Counseling Center fulfills a service to the local community by providing a place for psychological counseling as it carries out research and seeks to train professionals for dealing with problems of the human heart.

The center hopes to aid those persons with emotional problems or facing other difficulties. In addition, it looks to introduce other suitable counseling and support services available to the community.

The center is staffed by faculty of the college--who are licensed counselors in clinical psychology--as well as by trained graduate candidates under the supervision of a faculty member.

Comprehensive Clinical Consultation Center

The Comprehensive Clinical Consultation Center, a research center attached to the graduate school, was established in 2015 in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Master's Course in Social Work、and 10th anniversary of the establishment of a Master's Program in Clinical Psychology, in the Integrative Human Studies Graduate School. The research center’s objectives are further development of the function of research and education of Japan Lutheran College, focusing its 3 areas of activities on comprehensive investigation based on clinical thanatology, social work supervision /consultation, aiming to further a comprehensive consultation /supervision programs for training professionals.

The center carries out research into intervention models in griefwork and bereavement, and social work supervision/consultation, and offers training programs for professionals. Its organizational framework includes evaluations of the program and training outcomes, network formation, and international cooperation.

Community Human Resource Development Center

The Community Human Resource Development Center functions as a center for the college’s societal contributions and community networking activities. Founded in 2009 as an organization affiliated with the college, its goals are to develop training for “human resources for human interaction.”

In practical terms, the following four programs are carried out:
  1. Study programs for professionals serving in fields of human interaction
  2. Training activists involved in community development
  3. Linking local governments, related organizations, and other groups
  4. Arranging for fieldwork for JLC students at local organizations, institutions, and other bodies.

Dale Pastoral Center

The Personal Growth and Counseling Center founded in April, 1982 as an affiliated organization concluded thirty years of professional outreach in July, 1982. To continue and develop further the heritage of the service of this organization, the Dale Pastoral Center was established in April, 2014.
Three Pillars of the Dale Pastoral Center Program
  • Pastoral (Enhancing pastoral capabilities)
  • Spiritual (Fostering spirituality)
  • Social (Serving to the needs of our Neighbor)
Guiding Principles and Goals
The goals of the Center’s Program are to contribute to the proclamation of the gospel through research, instruction, and practical fieldwork that will serve the church and society. All these activities are based on the Christian faith, respecting the spiritual needs of all people from a wholistic stance and centered on support for humans to find healing and personal development.

The Dale Pastoral Center seeks to contribute to society as a whole through an understanding of the Christian faith and all humanity, extending its services to the Lutheran Church and all churches in ecumenical fellowship. The resources of the Center are available not only for church workers but for all members. The program emphasizes cooperation among all to carry out its activities through inclusiveness and dialog.